Ribbon Analyzer

The ribbon analyzer displays metric results for each individual ribbon.

Multiple metrics can be added to the ribbon analyzer. By default, the results display in a tabular format but can also be viewed as a chart.

Manual Metric Project Variables

All manual project variables that have no value default to -1 or -1%, essentially "no value." When you run diagnostics, manual DECM metrics display a -1 value or a -1% (percentage) in gray to indicate that they have not been evaluated.

N/A Metric Value

After running diagnostics, a metric might display N/A if no records meet the inclusion and filter criteria, or there is an error in the primary formula, secondary formula, or both formulas.

To see the reason for the N/A, hover over the cell.

Reorder Metrics

You can reorder the Ribbon Analyzer metrics by clicking on a metric and dragging it left or right.


After you run a Fuse analysis, if there is an error, you can hover over the cell to see details of the error. In addition, you can set Acumen to display an error log after a Fuse analysis if there are any errors. In the Analyze menu group, click Fuse (down arrow) > Show Log.